Honoring Hydrangeas

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A favorite for generations, hydrangeas are an important group of hardy and tender shrubs (and several woody climbers).  Native to both Japan and Korea, hydrangeas have been naturalized in compatible climates around the world.  Our Virginia gardens just wouldn’t feel complete without them.

Hydrangeas are widely acclaimed for their large, showy blossoms that lend fabulous color to gardens from mid to late summer.  In shaded areas, their large blooms of white and shades of pink or blue will outshine all others.  In some hydrangea varieties, the color is affected by the pH content of the soil (a pH level below 5.5 = blue and a pH level above 7.0 = pink or dark pink).  Their luxuriant green foliage offers a striking background to their large round or smooth blossoms.  All hydrangeas are deciduous, and its a sure sign of spring when their tender green leaves begin to appear.  Hydrangeas are spectacular grown as single specimens, and are wonderful when planted in mixed shrub borders and make excellent cut flowers.  Some varieties are offered on standards (grafted) making them small trees.

There are five different kinds of Hydrangea:

1.  Big leaf, Hydrangea macrophylia
2.  Oak leaf, Hydrangea quercifolia
3.  Panicle, Hydrangea paniculata
4.  Smooth, Hydrangea arborescens
5.  Climber, Hydrangea petiolaris

At JWT, our favorites are Hydrangea macrophylla ‘blushing bride’ and ‘endless summer’, Hydrangea paniculta ‘limelight’ and Hydrangea quercifolia ‘snowflake’.

Botanical Name:  Hydrangea sp.
Cultivars: over 600 named cultivars
Hardiness zones:  3-10, cultivar dependent
Height: 5-8′ (= or > width)
Type: deciduous shrub
Bloom times: spring through fall

If you’re interested in adding Hydrangeas to your garden or have questions, please submit a contact us form or call our office.

Hydramgea Limelight
Hydrangea paniculta ‘limelight’

Hydrangea macrophylla ‘blushing bride’

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