
Native Grass & Wildflower Meadows

The popularity of native grass and wildflower meadows is growing. We have spent the last ten years developing strategies for creating these drought-tolerant natural areas which offer habitat for wildlife, attract insects and pollinators and increase overall biodiversity, while building something that is both unique and aesthetically pleasing.

Click here to read a sampling of press articles on our meadows.

Click here to see blog posts on our meadows.

View FAQ

Will I need to irrigate my meadow?

In most cases no.  Your average meadow is very drought tolerant and will often thrive during the warmest and driest months of the year.

Will deer destroy my meadow?

In most cases no.  Most common meadow species are deer resistant, though they are subject to minor browsing during certain times of year.  Your average meadows is seeded at a dense rate, making it very difficult for deer to have a noticeable impact upon the stand.

Do meadows require maintenance?

Yes.  All meadows must be cut or burned on an annual or semiannual basis in order to maintain a state of early succession.  Furthermore, monitoring for and removing invasive or problematic weeds is recommended. 

# I


Our meadow installations are derived from hand-selected seed mixes with a mixture of native warm season grasses. Our clients mostly list aesthetics as the primary reason for having a meadow installed, though all of them express interest in habitat restoration, biodiversity, and ecology. All of our clients love butterflies and hummingbirds. We take this into consideration when choosing our seed mixes.

# II


After designing your meadow, we plan for its installation. The key ingredient in this step is preparation. We identify the correct method of installation as it may vary from site to site in an effort to enhance the overall health of the meadow. Then, we use a unique process with specialized equipment to install hand-selected seed mixtures to maximize germination.



Our meadow maintenance plan manages the growth of the meadow toward the goal of the client. In some instances, we nurture perennials to help encourage good root growth and plant development. Perennial meadows take an average of three years to reach full maturity. In other instances, we work with annuals to provide flashes of amazing seasonal color.

# IV

Weed Management

A potential problem in some meadows, even after eradicating most of the existing vegetation, is the presence of weed seed of a few aggressive weeds like Lespedizia, Johnson grass, thistle and a few others. We advocate a monitoring and treatment program which targets aggressive weeds early on when they can be economically and efficiently managed for long term success within the client's objectives and goals.

# V

Native Plantings

Our ultimate goal is to establish truly sustainable plantings composed of native perennials; beautiful plant communities that can be maintained with once-a-year mowing. One goal of many clients is to plant a native wildflower meadow, and each is infinitely more interesting than mowing a lawn or bush hogging a field. And beyond being beautiful, wildflowers have the power to nourish the land.

# VI

Meadow Wildlife and Pollinators

The environmental benefits of meadow installation are enormous. The most popular environmental benefit is that of the wildlife. There could easily be more pollinators per acre in one of these meadows than any other place in central Virginia. We have seen endless butterflies, bees and birds including goldfinches in our meadows. We also see turkeys, fledglings, quail and the list goes on and on.

Serving Virginia Since 1983

©2025 J.W. Townsend Landscapes