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In The Garden with Danielle Brown February 2025 Edition

In The Garden with Danielle Brown | February 2025 Edition Chapter 2: Trim for Triumph! February can be a time of cold, dark days. It is the shortest month of the year, and I’ve often thought it was because we couldn’t take 31 days of this month! There may be snow on the ground which could prevent putting down mulch, but the deciduous trees and shrubs are bare,...

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In The Garden with Danielle Brown January 2025 Edition

In The Garden with Danielle Brown | January 2025 Edition Chapter 1: Preparing for Growth The holidays are over, the decorations have been taken down, and you are now settling into the dark days of winter. For some, this is a restful and welcome time. For others, the post-holiday let-down and shortened daylight can be a bit of a bummer. I like to think of this time as a...

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Great Dixter

This is the seventh installment of multiple reports from the week-long educational trip some of our team members took in the summer of 2022. Great Dixter - A Garden Out of Place Planning and research for our trip to England had begun years ago.  Google searches for the “best gardens in London” or “Gardens of the Cotswolds” were a regular Sunday morning activity...

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This is the sixth installment of multiple reports from the week-long educational trip some of our team members took in the summer of 2022. As I cross the entry courtyard of Sissinghurst Castle Garden, its famous red brick tower looms over the grounds like a watchful warden. My nose catches the scent of roses – the famous collection here is still in bloom despite the...

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Bressingham Gardens

This is the fifth installment of multiple reports from the week-long educational trip some of our team members took in the summer of 2022. For our entire trip, I was regularly being dropped onto the sets of my Saturday morning ‘cartoons’: British gardening shows. No longer was I simply watching Carol Klein or Monty Don visit some far off, fanciful place; I was...

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This is the fourth installment of multiple reports from the week-long educational trip some of our team members took in the summer of 2022. I remember the feeling of absolute joy and excitement when my parents took me to Walt Disney World when I was a young kid; around every bend was a different ride, a life-size character, and a thousand other kids who were as stoked...

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