
BULBS – Fall is the Time to Think of Spring

While the summer days were hot and humid, you did not mind viewing the fruit of your gardening labors from inside (with the air conditioner running).  Now the days are starting to cool off; mornings and evenings are pleasant again. Just when you need an excuse to go out and play in your garden - it’s Fall Bulb Planting Time! Bulbs planted in fall can make your...


Protect Your Landscape

(Photo Caption: Boxwood Leafminer) Free Plant Health Care Assessment Dear JWT Clients, We would like to thank you for your continued support of our services.  As we near the end of summer, conditions are becoming ideal again for fungus and disease to thrive in the landscape. This includes trees, shrubs and turf. If you're currently a JWT maintenance client,...


A Taste of Homegrown

Now is the time of year when you may have an abundance of tomatoes from your garden.  A great way to utilize fresh tomatoes and basil from your garden is this simple and delicious recipe. Bruschetta Fresca 2 cups diced tomatoes 8 leaves fresh basil, chopped 2 cloves garlic, halved 8 slices of baguette Olive Oil Salt and pepper Dice tomatoes...



Summer Management for Cool-Season Grass (Fescue) Maintaining cool-season turf grass during the summer season is very difficult due to high temperatures, high humidity and periods of drought.  These conditions can increase the risk of summer diseases and can affect the overall appearance of your turf.  The ideal temperature for successful cool-season grass is 80° and...


JWT Receives National Safety Award

We were recently awarded an Overall Safety Achievement Award for 2015 from the National Association of Landscape Professionals. The award, part of the association's Safety Recognition Awards Program, honor those companies with high-performing safety programs that have a multi-year track record of creating and maintaining safe work environments for their...


Fall is the Ideal Time for Lawn Improvement

RENOVATE YOUR LAWN BY AERATION AND OVERSEEDING (A&O) WHAT IS AERATION? Aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve natural soil aeration.  Commonly referred to as "core aeration" in the lawn service industry, but you may have also heard of it as soil cultivation (coring, spiking and slicing).  Most...

Serving Virginia Since 1983

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