As part of our ongoing "Firehouse Talks", JWT arranged a lunch presentation to discuss Boxwood blight which made its way to America about two and a half years ago. Growing concern prompted the talk which brought more than 40 local Landscape Architects, Landscape Designers and JWT field employees together to learn more about how to identify and manage this disease. If...
We continue to be astonished by the quantity of pollinators that seem to cover all of our perennial wildflower meadows. As you walk through the flowers, they rise in mass, circling about in a frenzy, only to land on the next flower over. There could easily be more pollinators per acre in one of these meadows than any other place in central Virginia. This meadow was...
Our uniquely designed, installed and maintained wildlife and wildflower meadows were featured in The Daily Progress Business Journal on Sunday, August...
In July of 2012 I was surprised to receive a phone call from Anne Marie Chaker. Anne is a writer who was at that time working on an article about meadows as an alternative to lawns, slated for publication in the Wall Street Journal. I was more than happy to assist. After looking through our log of past jobs, I determined that the meadow located at the Holmes residence...