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Japanese Beetle Deterrents

Introduction The Japanese Beetle, Popillia Japonica, is a voracious garden pest with the potential to cause extensive damage to landscapes.  Common throughout most of the Eastern United States, it can damage turf grasses, shrubs and trees.  Fortunately, there are environmental and man-made deterrents and controls at our disposal. Background and Information Location:...

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Meet our Staff

Pictured above is Gerard Podoba Meet Gerard Podoba What is your middle name?    No middle name Where are you from?  Poland How long have you worked for JWT?  2.5 years Favorite book?  Calvin & Hobbes Favorite Movie?  Dumb & Dumber Place you've always wanted to visit?  The rest of the way around the world. Person you've always wanted to...

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Aeration and Overseeding

RENOVATE YOUR LAWN BY AERATION AND OVERSEEDING WHAT IS AERATION? Technically speaking, aeration is the naturally occurring process of air exchange between the soil and its surrounding atmosphere.  Practically speaking, aeration is the process of mechanically removing small plugs of thatch and soil from the lawn to improve natural soil aeration.  It’s commonly called...

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Honoring Hydrangeas

A favorite for generations, hydrangeas are an important group of hardy and tender shrubs (and several woody climbers).  Native to both Japan and Korea, hydrangeas have been naturalized in compatible climates around the world.  Our Virginia gardens just wouldn't feel complete without them. Hydrangeas are widely acclaimed for their large, showy blossoms that lend...

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Week Brings Attention to Pollinators’ Critical Roles

The following article was published in the Madison Eagle on Thursday, June 18, 2014.  One of our meadows is referenced.  Take a look via the link below. Madison Eagle - Meadow...

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Go To Bat For Your Garden

Many people put up  birdhouses to attract birds to their yards, so why not put up bat houses to attract bats? One of the benefits of the bat's worldwide population is that they consume enormous amounts of insects, greatly minimizing the impact of these pests in gardens and agricultural crops.  It has been said that a fleeting encounter with a bat is one of the most...

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