Posts Tagged: Maintenance


Top Ten Flowering Trees Your Landscape Can’t Live Without

The arrival of spring brings the early-season standards - tulips, daffodils and other ground-level bloomers.  However, in an effort to encourage a well-rounded landscape, we came up with this list of showy blooming trees that will surely draw your attention upward now through the fall. 10. Lagerstroemia x ‘Natchez’/Natchez Crapemyrtle—warm, cinnamon brown bark,...


Turf’s Up!

Often overlooked are the overall positive environmental benefits and aesthetic qualities that healthy turf brings to the landscape.  We have the expertise and experience to enhance your overall landscape value through well managed turfgrass. Professional turf care pays off not only in the pride of having a perfect lawn but the money saved by not having to make costly...


Boxwood Blight

There is a new boxwood issue on the horizon and will likely reach Central Virginia sometime in the future.  It is known as boxwood blight (not to be confused with boxwood decline), and is a known horticultural disease in Europe. While it has arrived in the United States, we are not aware of its presence yet in Charlottesville or Albemarle County.  With sound...


Picky, Picky. Custom Plant Selections.

Our custom plant selection criteria gets it right the first time. When possible, our plant buyer travels to the appropriate nurseries and hand-selects plants for each job.  This is especially important when it comes to trees, whose quality is quite variable.  The shape, structure, vigor and aesthetic of each tree must be carefully scrutinized before it is selected....


Container Gardening

Its spring again and after a long, cold winter, many people are craving some color for their gardens.  The best and quickest way to 'scratch that itch' is with container gardens.  They can be seasonally planted with annuals or perennials, small shrubs and dwarf trees and then augmented with seasonal annuls. Containers can be large with specimen plants or small with...


Flowers in Unexpected Places

Though most people think of April and May as the showiest times of the year for spring flowers, March can be a very exciting time for plants.  Many trees and shrubs that appear to be still sleeping off the winter are rapidly preparing for the upcoming thaw, and more than a few of them are already in flower!  Red maple (Acer rubrum) is one of our favorite native trees...

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